

  • Join the local PTA, and encourage other conservatives to do the same
  • Get conservatives to run for the school board and get them elected using the same stratetgies examined on the Things To Do page
  • Inform the board that your group will require access to all curriculum and texts to review.
  • Advise the school board that your citizens committee will require the opportunity to meet any potential teachers, review their resume and have the opportunity to interview them prior to being hired.
  • REQUIRE students be taught American History, Civics which includes the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and real math - not the Common Core crap. Do not allow progressive or socialist curriculum like "Project 1619".
  • File claims against the SURETY BONDS of school board members and school administrators who violate their duty to the children and parents. They can then be FORCED to do your bidding . Full, SIMPLE details at


  • Organize patriotic citizens in your community to monitor the schools. Inform (do not "request") the local school board that you will be monitoring the classes - ALL the classes. Let them know that classes will be periodically observed in class without notice, and you will take notes, but not interfere in any classes. Observe only.
  • Inform the school board that you will also monitor the curriculum and subject matter, and that parents will closely monitor homework to insure students are being taight HOW to think, and not WHAT to think.
  • DO NOT LET UP! If necessary, fight in the courts to protect your children from indoctrination.


Colleges and universities are even worse than K-12, partly because they are somewhat autonomous, and because parents have no say in things like classes or curricula. But that does not make us powerless.

We can effect changes the same way we would with others who use our money to finance their progressive evil - hit 'em in the wallet! We can steer our children away from liberal institutions. We can withhold funding if they insist on a liberal campus. So, which institutions are most liberal? Conservative?

Here is a list of 70 conservative colleges. And here are the top 50 liberal universities. You can check the political leaning of many colleges and universities online.

In addition, as we retake Congress, we can pressure legislators to stop subsidizing colleges and universities - they don't need it, it makes tuition more expensive, and taxpayers should not be boosting their slush funds (Harvard has a slush fund in excess of $4 billion).

As an alternative, we could pressure Congress to limit subsidies to only those institutions that are politically balanced, with a relatively equal number of conservative and liberal staff.

SABOTAGING EDUCATION  a great (but lengthy) article