The Storm Is Upon Us

So, WAS There Really A "PLAN"?

Maybe. There are a couple things we would like to point out, and while they may not jive with what some were telling us, or with what we expected or even hoped for, keep one thing in mind as you read this:


Even before Donald Trump descended on the escalator in 2015 and declared his candidacy, the entire world was being threatened by the globalist elites intent on subjugating the masses and keeping all the wealth and privilege for themselves. And being that America was the most powerful, it became the primary target. What if I told you any "plan" would have to be not only super secret, but so diabolically convoluted that no one could even imagine its scope? Bear in mind, globalism is a plan to dominate the entire planet, and the families behind it have been planning this for at least a century. They are playing a long game because the goal is "all the marbles". And it is likely that our own government - the C.I.A., FBI and even our media and political elites are in on it. Any plan to defeat them would by necessity have to be even more complex.

Assuming there is some "plan" it would have to begin by getting the right person into the White House. That person's task would be to expose all the evil in government, media and around the world, to awaken 330 million Americans who have not had any clue as to what has been going down. That would be the most essential step, because we, the people are the power - but we have been too long asleep.

Upon awakening, the people grow angry - and scared! But they are not frightened enough - we allow the globalists to lock us down, force us to wear masks, close our businesses. So step 2 begins: we become desperate as we watch a demented, empty suit controlled by globalists ascend to the seat of power - the presidency - which would be necessary before phase 3 could begin, because more damage must be done. We must walk through darkness before seeing the light..

As an illegitimate President begins his reign of terror, the people become increasingly agitated. There is talk of insurrection - a revolution. Meanwhile, the military is on stand-by. They are aware the Commander-in-Chief is not legitimate. They see the people beginning to rise up. As @Lebronsonroids so aptly put it, "Imagine the poor liberals who actually think Trump told America to drink bleach, is responsible for 100s of thousands of deaths, lost the election to the least popular candidate of all time and was the leader of a domestic terrorism event on Capitol Hill. Its one thing to become aware of the fact that you have reality completely backwards. That's hard enough. Its an entirely different level of shame and confusion, when you find out you've spent 4 years of your life viciously attacking the man trying to save you from your own closed mindedness and lack of knowledge"

And that - that very moment when even liberals awaken - that would be the time to spring the trap. If the military were to act too soon, it would be seen by the people and the rest of the world as a military coup. Only then, at the moment where even liberals begin to see that our nation, our freedoms are at stake would We, the People view military action not as a coup effected by Trump, but as the cavalry coming to the rescue. If this is the plan, then you should know - WE, the People, supported by our military are the Kraken.

Before this Republic can be saved, we must first suffer enough, as it is the suffering that will prepare us to meet head-on what is to come.

And if this is the "plan" (who knows) then we have to hope that the military will not be seduced by their new power, and instead initiates a new, honest election to fill all political seats across the country - not just the White House, or even Congress, but every state seat, as well. Otherwise, if the entire cancer is not cut out, it will matasticize once again.

Do not misunderstand - we are not proposing that this is the plan. What we are saying is that if there is a real plan, it would have to be so complex and convoluted that it could not possibly be completed before the time was right. You simply cannot march into someone's home and start trapping rats without approval of all persons involved, and that requires all persons to see the need. And you cannot just trap the rats in one building. You have to exterminate all of them. After all, we don't want to have to go through this again.

Perhaps this explains why President Trump allowed staff to keep Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and others like Mike Lindell at bay - could not afford having them muck up the plan with their desire to spring the trap too soon. It could also explain his parting comments about being back soon, and the best is yet to come.

We suggest you not pin your hopes on such a plan - if it is still in process, great. If not, we need our own plan. And that is the purpose of this website.

As an afterthought, there is one other possibility that would make sense. That all of this was orchestrated for Donald Trump to simply be a catalyst - to expose the corruption and the threat - and by doing so, awaken us and piss us off enough to force We, the People, to fix this ourselves. And if we do not, that is on us, and we have the government we deserve. And in that case, again we would need our own plan, which is the purpose of this site. 

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