
01/14/2021 - The Federalist reported that -- the largest gun forum in the world -- was kicked off the Internet by its web hosting company.

Gun Owners of America has also been censored by anti-gun tech corporations who are now on a mission to silence any opposition to the most radically anti-gun government that is about to take control of America.

Thankfully, had a backup plan, and they are back in business. But anti-gunners are still trying to suppress our voice. Their attempted shutdowns of websites and deplatforming mirrors the same despotic tactics that we’ve seen under authoritarian regimes across the world.

When U.S. citizens are deemed enemies of the state simply for publicly showing support for our constitutional rights, we can be certain that America is in danger.

01/14/2021 - Democrat senators Chris Coons (DE), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Sherrod Brown (OH), and Patty Murray (WA) all signed on to expel/punish Republicans who followed the Constitutional process to object to an election.

In so doing, THEY are the ones that are trying to disenfranchise voters by overturning elections.

Those communist senators are doing this because they come from "safe" districts.

It is incumbent upon us to work as hard as we can to make those districts as POLITICALLY UNSAFE for them as possible, and fight to get THEM ousted from the Senate. America cannot abide commies in Congress.
