The following documents are from the Courthouse Registry of Deeds in MA. They show the completion of two simultaneous transactions that earned a HOMELESS student of mine - no money or credit, out of work & living in a van - $16,900. This method is just one of the many exciting techniques you will learn to do easily through "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate". It only takes minutes to learn, and can profit you for a lifetime.

The First Document

The "purchase" shows Russell's "PURCHASE" of the property on February 9 for $48,000 from Bernard

The Second Document

This shows that Russell simultaneously SOLD the property to Scott on February 9 for $64,900 at the same time he "bought" it from Bernard and pocketed the $16,900 difference in cash. Not a dime came out of Russell's pocket. The secret lies in the special agreements provided in "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate." Do not try this without these special agreements, and the advice of one of our investor coaches.

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